Amarillo Food Establishment Inspection Report for Sept. 4, 2022

2022-09-09 20:47:02 By : Ms. Sunny Zhang

The Food Establishment Inspection Report is a weekly report that appears Sundays. Information is taken from reports provided by the Environmental Health Department, and individual reports can be viewed at its web site, A numerical grading system is now being used, with a score of 100 points being equivalent to zero demerits.

100 points – No major violation at the time of inspection

85 points – Considered an average score

70 points or below – Requires re-inspection within 24 hours

COS – Corrected on site during inspection

These points correspond to the following letter grades:

The following establishments had a score of A/100 during a routine inspection:

Bushland ISD Elementary, 2400 Wells St., Bushland.

Bushland ISD Middle School, 20101 25th St., Bushland.

Jesse’s Pool Hall, 3411 W. Amarillo Blvd.

Starbucks Coffee Co. #6757, 3240 S. Soncy Road.

Tea Nergy, 5703 Gem Lake Road.

The 806, 2812 S.W. 6th Ave.

United Supermarket #523, 5601 W. Amarillo Blvd.

United Supermarket #523-Gas, 5601 W. Amarillo Blvd.

Wal-Mart #7349-Fuel Center, 7251 Arden Road.

Wal-Mart #7339-Meat & Seafood, 7251 Arden Road.

Yum-Yum Hibachi, 3308 N.E. 20th Ave.

The following establishments had a score of A/100 during a follow-up inspection:

Amarillo Fairfield Inn & Suites, 6600 W. I-40

Amarillo Tavern Live Music, 2624 E. Amarillo Blvd.

Diana’s Tamales, 701 W. Amarillo Blvd.

Fav’s, 706 S.W. 16th Ave.

Kona Ice of Canyon Catering #2, 8821 Lupine Drive, Canyon.

Las Carolgas, 1000 N. Hughes St.

McDonald’s, 3320 S. Coulter St.

Reload Coffee, 11501 Juett Attebury Road.

Taco Villa #18, 110 23rd St., Canyon.

Tru by Hilton, 2202 S. Soncy Road.

West Plains High School, 10576 Arden Road.

West Plains High School-Auditorium, 10576 Arden Road.

West Plains High School-Field House, 10576 Arden Road.

West Plains High School-Tennis/Baseball, 10576 Arden Road.

These establishments received the following scores for being out of compliance as stated:

(B/86) Abuelo’s Mexican Embassy, 3501 S.W. 45th Ave. No sanitizer in dishwashing machine in kitchen; mold on sides of ice machines connected to soda machine; rust inside large ice machine in back; visible debris still on plates coming out of dishwasher; sanitizer too strong at three-compartment sink. Correct by 09/04. No dates on three large containers of alcohol mixes in bar walk-in fridge. Correct by 09/11. Exterior door near office must be self-closing (repeat violation); several dead cockroaches and crickets in establishment (repeat violation); several rotten foods pushed under shelves and mold in many places around kitchen (repeat violation); cook without hair restraint causing stray hair to be found in raw chicken; buckets under soda machine in kitchen holding standing water; deepest, farthest walk-in freezer with condensation dripping on floor and door causing ice blocks (repeat violation); floors of kitchen have standing water everywhere (repeat violation); no lids on sugar, salt and beans (repeat violation); raw shrimp box on floor of walk-in freezer (repeat violation); thick layer of debris in soda machine in kitchen and mold coating the tubing (repeat violation); to-go bowl used as scoop in powder; alcohol mixes with no labels; bar cup cooler with visible debris, stale liquid and broken glass in the bottom; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, mold and other debris; heavy layer of debris on vent hood (repeat violation); vents in kitchen and near hot water heater need to be thoroughly cleaned (repeat violation); ceiling tiles in bathroom need to be painted to be smooth, durable and non-absorbent (repeat violation); several missing or displaced ceiling tiles need to be repaired or replaced (repeat violation); sprayer at three-compartment sink leaking constantly. Correct by 11/30.

(A/99) AFC Sushi @ United Market #523, 5601 W. Amarillo Blvd. Dishes stacked wet. Correct by 11/29.

(A/97) Arby’s #5726, 7222 W. I-40. Cook not wearing beard guard; tongs handle touching food in reach-in; some ceiling tiles starting to show wear and have gaps between them in back kitchen area. Correct by 11/23.

(A/92) Bangkok Tokyo, 2413 S. Western St. All three sanitizer buckets below required concentration levels; visible debris on ice scoop holder. Correct by 09/03. Fly traps above prep area (repeat violation); back door is not self-closing (repeat violation); several items without lids (repeat violation); shrimp sitting in room temperature water; ceiling tiles above three-compartment sink by back door must be replaced or painted. Correct by 11/29.

(A/95) Burger King #3432, 1314 Ross St. Employees not wearing hair restraints. COS. Back door must be self-closing; gaps at back door must be sealed; fryer oil stored directly on floor; clean dishes stacked wet; bin of liquid in indoor storage area without lid and harboring flies. Correct by 11/30.

(A/96) Carrie’s Cakes, 2128 S. Grand St. Pecans stored in broken container. COS. Light unshielded above prep table in baking area (repeat violation); acoustic ceiling tiles above food prep areas must be replaced with vinyl coated tiles. Correct by 11/29.

(B/86) Cedars One, 2110 S. Western. Rice at improper temperature; soda cans and other drinks stored in ice used for human consumption. COS. Chlorine sanitizer in dishwasher at improper concentration. Correct by 09/03. Multiple food items in coolers without dates. Correct by 09/10. Back door needs new weather strip; bowls of lemons in direct contact with tomatoes (repeat violation); box of lettuce stored on floor (repeat violation); multiple food items missing labels. Correct by 11/29.

(A/91) Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins, 4411 S. Soncy Road. Two cartons for Frozen Strawberry Frosting stored at room temperature in a cooler that was not working. Correct by 09/02. No proper drying provisions at hand sink; utensils washed in hand sink. Correct by 09/09. Milk on floor in walk-in cooler; cup stored in sugar bin; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris; mop sink faucet leaking. Correct by 11/28.

(A/96) Dutch Bros. Coffee, 1600 Ross St. Some milk products out of date. Correct by 09/04. Boxes of food in walk-in stored on floor; handle of ice scoop touching ice in bin. Correct by 11/23.

(A/96) Golden Waffle Company, 6017 Hillside, Suite 250. Sanitizing solution in buckets too strong. Correct by 08/29. All scoops must have a handle and cannot come in contact with food. Correct by 11/24.

(A/93) H and L Discount Food Mart, 2701 S.W. 6th Ave. Sinks and three-compartment sink must be set up so that sanitizer can be used for food contact areas. Correct by 08/29. Hand sink must be stocked and available for all employees to wash hands; service sink is not accessible to employees to dump mop water. Correct by 09/05.

(A/99) Hillside Elementary, 9600 Perry Ave. Box of chips stored on ground. Correct by 11/29.

(A/99) Houston Middle School, 815 S. Independence St. Second door must be closed or first door sealed to prevent pests from entering. Correct by 11/24.

(A/95) Hud’s Food Truck, 7311 W. Amarillo Blvd. Hole on wall next to breaker box and hole next to waste water tank under three-compartment sink must to be repaired. COS. Air gap needed for each of the plumbing pipes leading into waste water tank. Correct by 09/03. Trash and grease accumulating under and behind equipment. Correct by 11/29.

(A/97) Kona Ice of Canyon #2, 8821 Lupine Drive. Sanitizer must be made before opening. Correct by 09/02.

(A/97) Original Pine Shed, 5342 Canyon Drive. Visible debris inside soda dispenser nozzle near beer cooler. Correct by 08/28.

(A/98) Pizza Hut, 6905 W. I-40. Two utensil handles stored in cheese; food and debris under bar, on dishwasher and in and around hand sink (repeat violation). Correct by 11/29.

(A/91) Rib Crib Restaurant, 5050 S. Coulter St. Soda dispenser at bar visibly soiled; clean dishes exposed to splash from hand washing station and mop sink (repeat violation). Correct by 09/03. Container in hand sink. Correct by 09/10. Back door does not close correctly (repeat violation); containers in walk-in cooler without lids; two containers with cups stored in food; dirt, splash and debris on floors, shelves, sinks and walls (repeat violation). Correct by 11/29.

(A/98) San Jacinto Elementary, 3400 S.W. 4th Ave. Pizza on top rack with no protection (repeat violation); ice build-up on condenser unit of freezer. Correct by 11/24.

(A/94) Subway #25610, 2001 S. Western St. Grease trap under three-compartment sink is full and needs to be pumped. Correct by 09/04. Back door must be self-closing; microwave handle dirty; signs needed at both hand sinks indicating for hand washing only. Correct by 11/23.

(A/93) Teddy Jack’s Armadillo Grill, 5080 S. Coulter St. Rust and mold in ice machine. Correct by 09/03. No paper towels at hand washing station. Correct by 09/10. Personal items must be stored in a designated area; food and debris under shelves in walk-in cooler (repeat violation); grease build-up on fire suppression system above stove (repeat violation). Correct by 11/23.

(A/96) Texas Firehouse Sport Bar & Grill, 3333 S. Coulter St. Hand sink used as dump sink; bucket of dill pickle slices on floor of cooler; paper bowl used as scoop for dry flour (repeat violation). COS.

(B/82) Thai Spoon, 500 N. Fillmore St. No sanitizer at three-compartment sink; no soap at hand sink. COS. Raw chicken stored directly on top of other refrigerated items; household insecticide in establishment. Correct by 09/04. Thawed food in reach-in cooler not date marked. Correct by 09/11. Gaps at side door in dining room must be sealed; medicine stored in cooler and in food service areas; handle in sugar bin touching sugar; various types of meat in freezer not labeled with common name; walls behind cooking units dirty (repeat violation). Correct by 11/30.

(A/91) Tokoyo Japanese Steakhouse, 5807 S.W. 45th Ave. Raw meat stored at top of fridge (repeat violation). Correct by 08/28. PH levels of sushi rice not being checked correctly (repeat violation). Correct by 09/04. Excessive flies in kitchen; personal beverages in multiple coolers with consumer foods (repeat violation); many foods stored on floor; cooler fans, floors throughout kitchen and coolers throughout establishment soiled and dirty. Correct by 11/23.

(A/91) Toot ‘n Totum #6, 211 S. Western St. Food and non-food contact surfaces not being sanitized properly (repeat violation). COS. Sanitizer test strips needed. Correct by 09/09. No lids on iced teas (repeat violation); back room containing soda dispenser heavily soiled with soda syrup (repeat violation); mold build-up inside walk-in cooler (repeat violation); refuse stored inside establishment causing an odor; covered receptacle needed in women’s restroom (repeat violation). Correct by 11/28.

(A/97) Toot ‘n Totum #78, 3401 S. Soncy Road. Personal drink without a lid and straw; debris and soils under storage racks; trash can in stalls should be covered. Correct by 11/23.

(A/98) Toot ‘n Totum #80, 4501 S. Soncy Road. Multiple food items stored on ground. COS. Back of drinking fountains extremely dirty. Correct by 11/24.

(A/98) United Supermarket #523-Deli & Coffee Shop, 5601 W. Amarillo Blvd. No sanitizer test strips in Coffee Shop. Correct by 09/10.

(A/97) Wal-Mart #7349, 7251 Arden Road. Dented cans on shelf for sale. COS.

(A/98) Wal-Mart #7349-Bakery, 7251 Arden Road. Bread carts must be covered when bread is stored on carts; salt, sugar and flour containers must be labeled. Correct by 11/23.

(A/91) Wienerschnitzel, 5800 W. Amarillo Blvd. Dark substance on underside of ice cream machine must be cleaned. Correct by 08/28. No paper towels at hand washing station. Correct by 09/04. Gaps at back door must be sealed; one employee not wearing hair restraint; ice buckets must be stored inverted; inside of reach-in soiled with syrup; vent inside walk-in cooler needs to be cleaned (repeat violation). Correct by 11/23.