How can you cut back on expenses and still be kind to the environment?
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Many people are thinking of the best ways to save money as the cost of living crisis sends food, gas and bills sky-high.
However, as saving money has become the key concern, environmentally friendly ways to cut back have been put on the back burner. A poll found that 38% of people said it is more important for them to cut household costs than to make choices that are better for their environment.
But how can you cut back on expenses and still be kind to the environment? There are 10 budget and eco-friendly tips from Paul Moore, the managing director of If You Care, that will help you have an eco-home.
Read more: Cost of living calculator shows how much your bills and tax will rise from April 2022
Invest in good quality durable products when buying kitchen appliances, as cheaper ones end up costing you more in the long run. For example, sponge cloths that are made of a mix of pure cotton and cellulose can be used and then washed over and over again without degrading.
Cheaper ones tend to lose their quality quickly and need to be disposed of sooner. At the end of their life, quality cotton based clothes can be home composted so don’t add to the problem of artificial fibres and micro planktons.
Reuse your foil. Kitchen foil is expensive but people tend to use it once to cover food then throw it away which is wasteful as well as costly.
One brilliant hack when you’re baking food in the oven is to put parchment paper over the dish then place foil on top. This prevents the foil from getting dirty, which means you can use it again and again.
The parchment paper can then go into the compost bin, which is better for the planet.
That brings us onto the theme of composting - if you’re not already doing this, it’s definitely worth considering as it will also save a lot of food going to landfill. Composting digesters will compost cooked foods without the smell and turn them into the most powerful liquid fertiliser.
Different from a traditional garden compost that works on uncooked food scraps and garden waste in an aerobic manner, a compost digester anaerobically digests cooked and uncooked food in a very short time and you don’t need a big outdoor space.
4. Start an organic vegetable garden
Now you have your wonderful new compost bin, you can use the compost you’ve created to help nourish the soil in your garden and grow some delicious organic vegetables. With rising food costs, even vegetables are becoming expensive to buy at supermarkets - not to mention the plethora of plastic packaging used for these products.
If space is at a premium and you only have a window box, then high-value items such as coriander and fresh basil or salad leaves can be grown in rotation in small spaces.
If you are going to head to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables out of pure convenience, try to buy seasonal wherever you can. Foods that are not in season in the UK can often have a huge amount of air miles associated with them and are usually very expensive.
For example, buy British strawberries in the summer when they’re not only cheaper and grown locally but also much tastier.
When buying meat, a much cheaper and more environmentally friendly option is to invest in a whole chicken or joint of meat. You could cook this on a Sunday and make a roast, then the leftovers can be turned into various meals for the week such as curries, pies or casseroles.
The bones and carcass can be boiled with carrots, celery and onion to make a delicious stock which can then be used as a base for a delicious noodle soup. Another way to reduce your environmental impact is to freeze any meat you don’t end up using.
Wax paper is a brilliant option for preserving and freezing cooked meats, so you can enjoy them at a later date.
Many people assume hot water is the key to keeping clothes and dishes clean when washing. But cleaning enzymes from washing liquids, powders and tablets are actually destroyed at high temperatures.
These enzymes work best at body temperature, so try a cooler setting when using your washing machine. According to Which, washing at 30°C uses 38% less energy than washing at 40°C, so not only will you be kinder to the planet, you’ll also be saving money on your energy bills.
Once you’ve washed your clothes, consider ditching the tumble dryer as these suck up a huge amount of energy and are therefore expensive. Now it’s warmer, simply take the time to hang your clothes outside.
Or on a rainy day use a hanging rack inside, or better still, use an overhead hanging rack called a creel which you can put on the ceiling in the utility room, getting all your washing out of the way.
A lot of people tend to crank up the heating before considering simply putting on an extra layer instead. Put a t-shirt under a shirt if needed - and wear slippers in the house.
Having a cooler house not only saves energy, it also means there will be fewer dust mites present as these critters love warmer temperatures. Dust mites thrive in a temperature range of 20 to 25 degrees celcius so having a cooler house and setting your thermostat lower will reduce the presence of these little critters.
10. Borrow or buy second hand
Before buying anything new, it’s worth taking a step back and considering whether you could either borrow that item or buy it second hand. Thanks to the rise of Facebook Marketplace and apps such as Depop and Vinted, buying second-hand is becoming the new normal - which is brilliant news for both the environment and your pocket.
When it comes to making changes in the home to save money and be eco-friendly, tiny steps make a big difference. Even if you follow just one or two of the tips above, you should see an impact on what you save each month.