Japanese artist creates mind-blowingly real “bunny girl” that winks and blinks…on a paper cup | SoraNews24 -Japan News-

2022-06-10 20:59:41 By : Ms. Jessie Gao

Bringing you yesterday's news from Japan and Asia, today.

Making a 2-D character come to life with the simplest of materials.

It’s often said that great artists can create a masterpiece on any surface, and for Twitter user Shinrashinge (@shin___geki), the preferred medium is paper cups.

The curved surface on these cups allows the talented artist to make art that looks like a moving animation, and his latest project involves a winking, blinking “bunny girl”, which is what young women in Playboy Bunny outfits are called in Japan.

▼ Take a look at the bunny girl in action below!

紙コップ2つで作ったバニーガール pic.twitter.com/1AXoE1Lvy9

The way the character appears to move is absolutely mesmerising. Not only is she able to look forward…

▼ …but she can look to the side…

At the end of the video, Shinrashinge shows us the magic behind the illusion, slipping the inner cup out to reveal the different layers that create the stunning anime effect.

Shirashinge shared additional details of all the different components he created for the look in a follow-up tweet.

仕掛けはだいたいこんな感じです。 pic.twitter.com/TxAu98S1Tf

People online were blown away by the realism, saying

“Absolute genius!” “Amazing to see non-digital effects this impressive in today’s digital age!” “I can’t stop watching it!” “When I saw the blink, it blew my mind!” “I thought this was some smartphone AR effect. Incredible!” “What a wonderful creation! The moment the bunny girl looked at the camera, I got chills.”

It really is a genius creation, and just in case anyone else would like to get into paper crafts like this, Shirashinge has shared his secrets in a “Moving Paper Craft” instructional book coming out on 23 December.

12月23日に私の過去の工作の作り方と型紙を載せた本が出るのでよかったら。 色々な仕掛けの作品を7つ載せてます。 紙コップとわりばしと段ボールで作る 動くぺーパークラフト https://t.co/h0cEyQln65 pic.twitter.com/cg5dZQX2oT

If you’ve got the time and patience, you might just be able to master the skills of working with paper so that you can one day replicate a paper cup Emma Watson.

紙コップで作ったエマワトソン @EmmaWatson pic.twitter.com/ufEaTEym5q

Shirashinge’s portfolio is a wide and varied one, so be sure to give him a follow on Twitter, where you can enjoy plenty of marvellous moving images, featuring characters like Doraemon, Luffy from One Piece, and even One Punch Man!

Source: Twitter/@shin___geki via Hachima Kikou Images: Twitter/@shin___geki ● Want to hear about SoraNews24’s latest articles as soon as they’re published? Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

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