G Thavalingam from Udayampalayam, Coimbatore, is among the last few makers of jow mittai, a chewy candy that he shapes into trains and necklaces, selling them door to door | Photo Credit: Siva Saravanan S
Every day at noon, G Thavalingam catches a bus to Karumbukkadai after a meal of r
G Thavalingam from Udayampalayam, Coimbatore, is among the last few makers of jow mittai, a chewy candy that he shapes into trains and necklaces, selling them door to door | Photo Credit: Siva Saravanan S
Every day at noon, G Thavalingam catches a bus to Karumbukkadai after a meal of r
Energy Efficient HVAC Systems Market Research 2022-2027:
The Global Energy Efficient HVAC Systems Market report provides information about the Global industry, including valuable facts and figures. This research study explores the Global Market in detail such as industry chain structures
Tom's Guide is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s why you can trust us
By Kevin Cortez published 27 June 22
The K-Slim is a slender Keurig machine that can brew pod coffee i
Tom's Guide is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s why you can trust us
By Kevin Cortez published 27 June 22
The K-Elite is one of the best Keurig coffee makers, ready for
The railway has approved the routes to run this train on the Ramayana Circuit, which has been identified under Swadesh Darshan scheme covering prominent places associated with life of Lord Shri Rama.
Published: 11th May 2022 10:52 AM | Las
If you’ve ever noticed a hint of a musty, stale smell coming from your clothing or the drum of your washer, a dirty washing machine could be to blame. While we trust our IFB washing machine to efficiently clean linens, towels, and clothes, many of us conveniently ignore the fact that the
If you’ve ever noticed a hint of a musty, stale smell coming from your clothing or the drum of your washer, a dirty washing machine could be to blame. While we trust our IFB washing machine to efficiently clean linens, towels, and clothes, many of us conveniently ignore the fact that the
India will ban the manufacturing, import, distribution, sale of single-use plastic from 1 JulyDabur India has started producing Real juice packs with paper straws; Parle is importing them
NEW DELHI : As the deadline to discard single-use plastic nears, restaurants and packaged cons
Positive response to stack flexo prototype makes case for serial production
“We exhibited our latest technology-driven Naphlexo 804 stack flexo printing machine and new wide slitter rewinder equipment at PrintPack. We were fortunate to have focused clients on all five days and many vis