Why do coffee cups have a second tiny hole in the lid | Daily Mail Online

2022-05-28 03:46:03 By : Ms. Andy Cao

By Carina Stathis For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 01:10 EDT, 14 March 2022 | Updated: 03:35 EDT, 14 March 2022

It often goes unnoticed, but the tiny second hole on the lids of takeaway coffee cups plays a vital role in the flow of liquid and prevents you getting burned. 

While walking or driving with a coffee in hand, the small hole prevents the coffee from bubbling and spurting out uncontrollably as you sip.

According to Wonderopolis, air must travel into the disposable container to replace the liquid splattering out. 

The tiny second hold on takeaway coffee cup lids (pictured) controls the flow of liquid and prevents it to splash (stock image)

The design means there's one hole for liquid to exit and another hole for air to enter.

The tiny hole provides a pleasant drinking experience by preventing splashbacks and allowing the liquid to flow. 

Without the second hole the liquid would be forced to rush out, potentially causing burns on your mouth and face.   

The tiny hole provides a pleasant drinking experience by preventing splashback and allowing the liquid to flow. 

Air must get into the container to replace the liquid that's being poured out, and there's only one hole for liquid to exit and air to enter.

When the smooth flow of liquid stops momentarily, that's when the liquid is being forced to stop to allow air to enter the container.

The second hole also acts as another exit for steam from inside the cup. 

'When the smooth flow of liquid stops momentarily, that's when the liquid is being forced to stop to allow air to enter the container,' they explain. 

The second hole also acts as another exit for steam to leave the cup. 

Over the years the humble coffee lid has undergone a dramatic transformation, from the inclusion of distinctive symbols poking out the top to pressable 'buttons' and finally a clean slate.   

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